Telemark Cross country Race Race Team Uniforms

Telemark Race Team

A team needs uniforms – and they need them with go fast stripes. Telemark Racers Pant Telemark Jacket OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Go faster Stripes Telemark

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Let's Talk Social

It's great but the word that changes everything
Let's Talk Business Marketing
Scott Davis

How big is your… BUT?

A client called, excitedly sharing that a major sponsor for our upcoming event was extremely pleased with “everything so far”. By the tone of voice, you know that feeling when you’re waiting for that one little word to change the course of the conversation. That word is the inevitable “but.” Doesn’t it seem ironic how frequently sentences conclude with that seemingly small yet powerful word, introducing a twist that can throw off a day or a week? This customer delivered “but” would set me back two days of invested work.

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Scott Davis

City Council Candidates Not So Social

So what can you take away from this? The biggest thing you must realise and understand is that social media is complex and very time-consuming. For those candidates using social media, there has to be a strategy plan and a dedication of time to make it work.

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Scott Davis

Week 18-Crying out for content

The latest report from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, “New Media, Old Media findings.” More than 99% of the stories linked to blogs came from legacy outlets such as newspapers and broadcast networks. And just four – the BBC, CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post- accounted for 80% of all links.”

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