Custom Cycle Jersey, Payton & Dillon Budd Memorial Fund.
Custom Cycle Jersey for the Thomas Alan Budd Foundation. A non profit organization with a focus on mental health and suicide prevention.
Background & Creative Direction:
Custom Cycle Jersey for the Thomas Alan Budd Foundation. A non profit organization with a focus on mental health and suicide prevention.
We have had the pleasure of working on several project over the years for Tom Budd, who is an avid road cyclist. He has used this passion to create awareness for suicide prevention through bold graphic statements on his bikes and riding jerseys that we had the fun to work on.
These particular jersey are AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE with direct shipping, with all profit proceeds going to the Thomas Alan Budd Foundation

Mondrian Ride Jersey Short Sleeve BACK
Mondrian Ride Jersey Short Sleeve FRONT
Tiger Stripe Ride Jersey Long Sleeve FRONT
Tiger Stripe Ride Jersey Short Sleeve BACK
Payton & Dillon Ride Jersey Long Sleeve BACK
Payton & Dillon Ride Jersey Short Sleeve FRONT
Payton & Dillon Ride Jersey Short Sleeve BACK
Payton & Dillon Ride Jersey Long Sleeve FRONT
- Create a simple tag | slogan
- Use existing bike graphics as inspiration and guide
- Use a small run custom jersey company
- Creation of the Payton & Dillon
Budd Memorial Ride - Public relations at cycle events
- Online jersey sales
- Media coverage
- Increase in foundation
awareness - Invite to national speaking engagements
- Increase in funds raised